Sunday, July 4, 2010

12th Foundation Day of PSHS-CMC


The 12th Foundation Day of PSHS-CMC is finally over. Thanks God! It was successful as it should be. It was held last July 1 & 2, 2010.

Day 1: The first day was full of fun because of the league sorting and games. The program started around 8 in the morning. The opening prayer was headed by Mr. Jefferson Pabalay. Mr. Jose Marlon Caumeran was the one who formally opened the program by giving his introductory address. Then the guest speaker gives her message, she was Joanna Kristine Pancho. Then the rest of the time was given to us. Some of the students practiced for their presentation to be presented later that afternoon. Others were just roaming around the campus.

Later that afternoon, everyone's invited to the acquaintance party. The faculty members & staff were called and recognized. The SCS did some interview thingy so that students would know them better. Infos were celebrity crush, favorite motto, favorite color and the like, just the basic ones. The first part of the afternoon activity was fun! The teachers danced as if no one's watching. hahah! Yah, it was fun, indeed! After that, students prepared some presentations, and it's by batch. The seniors had their 2 sets of presentation. The acoustic band and dancing. The acoustic band members were Krixzel Warguez, Cromwell Ybanez, Ron Cagula, Kevin Bernal, and Artric Morilla. The dancers were Megan Corpuz, Rejette Lee, Rashid Bantuas, Claire Jasmin, Zamina Sabenecio and others. The juniors presented 1 presentation, it's a band. Band members were Jamil Cuadra, Mikael Paluca, Karlo Santos, Bryan Padao, Esther Carpentero, Jane Cuerquis, and Joseph Yanong. The sophomores presented their unique presentation. It was surely the idea of Mitzi Ancog. They also had their dance presentation. The freshmen, or the newbies, had their presentation, the acoustic version of Baby by Justin Bieber. After the batch presentation, we had our league sorting which is the most interesting part of the foundation day. It means that the freshmen, laterals and the new faculty members would be sorted according to which league they belong; red, green, blue, and yellow. They are sorted according to what color they could pick in the sorting box. The sorting giveaways is the colored baso :D. After the league sorting, we had our league games. Games were Stitch-me-a-friend, Echosera't Echosero, and Longest Line according to league colors. The overall winner of the league games is the Yellow League. Congratulations!

Day 2: Some say, Day 2 was quite boring, but for me it was fun. The activity started around 9 in the morning. We had tree planting, but for other scholars who's not attending the tree planting, they are having their outreach program nearby our campus. After the said activity, we had our Family Day, we had games by section. Some parents played games, I surely know that they enjoyed playing it. After the games, we had our lunch from Nancy's Kiosk sponsored by our school. After our lunch, we had our awarding of prizes and the closing remark of Ma'am Ronna Y. Magto.

Then, the 12th Foundation Day of PSHS-CMC was successfully celebrated. Pisay-CMC is getting older yet stronger.

~~bitaw! lingaw kaau ang foundation day. :D
bahalag gpamaulan q sa paa, nalingaw jud q. hhahah

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